Ramp Wrapped Dover Sole in Tequila Butter

It's been a very long winter, and despite the unnaturally cold April day, spring is still here. Ramps were for sale...even though they looked a little sad, I decided if I cooked with them, I am going to will warm weather to get here.

7-10 ramps
1 lb Dover sole filets
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil + 1 tsp
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 c tequila 
Salt + pepper

Season sole filets with salt and pepper on one side. Sprinkle with 1 tsp of olive oil and roll them up. Rinse and trim off the leaves off the ramps. Reserve the staulks. Wrap each fish roulette with a leaf, tucking the ends under each other. 

Place rolls, seam down, on a preheated pan with olive oil and butter. Turn heat to low and cook the fish about 7 minutes. Adding the tequila and lemon juice after about a minute.  Cooking time may vary if  your filets are bigger.

I served this with pan roasted radishes, about 5 min on medium- low heat, sprinkled with chopped ramp staulks.


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