Gnocchi with Langoustine Tails in Beurre Blanc
Adapted from Foodista, hold the water, minus 2tbsp of butter...
Steamed Langoustine Tails combined with Gnocchi
2 very large russet potatoes
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 egg, extra large
white pepper
1/4 cup canola oil
Boil peeled, quartered potatoes, until soft. Run through a fine food mill. Invert the potato onto a board and make a well in the middle. Mix in 1 cup of the flour, salt, pepper and 1 egg. Mix in the egg and start kneading gently until a ball starts forming. As needed add in more flour just to prevent sticking (less flour = lighter gnocchi). Roll into 3/4 inch thick dowels and cut into 3/4 inch pieces. If you prefer, check out google for the different ways of "finishing" gnocchi. These usually help hold the sauce. I however, left them in the pillow shapes I cut them into. Throw gnocchi into salted water with canola oil on rolling boil for 1 minute, or until they float to the top. Remove with a slotted spoon and plate.